Government launches initiative to support returning emigrants start businesses
The Government has launched an initiative to help returning emigrants start and develop businesses in Ireland.
The ‘Back for Business’ entrepreneur mentoring programme, which is being funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, runs over six months.
It is designed for recently returned emigrants who have lived abroad for at least a year and have returned to Ireland in the last three years. Those planning to return in the near future will also be considered.
The aim of the programme is to bridge gaps entrepreneurs may have in the areas of local knowledge, contact base and professional backgrounds, while also addressing the general challenges all entrepreneurs face when establishing a business.
“This is an initiative that can make a real difference to returned and returning emigrants who have a keen desire and ambition to be entrepreneurs,” Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development Ciarán Cannon, said.
“It is designed to support them to go beyond just creating a job for themselves and to aim higher and create a thriving business that can provide employment for others and value added in their local community,” he added.
The closing date for applications is 25 January and the programme will run from February to July next year.
“I found Back for Business helpful in giving me focus, keeping me on track and creating goals to bring me to the next level. I began the programme with ideas and samples. I am now trading with a luxury product on the market,” Clare O’Connor, scarf designer, and previous participant, said.
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