YESS – Youth Employment Support Scheme
YESS – Youth Employment Support Scheme:
The Youth Employment Support Scheme (YESS) is a new work experience placement programme which is specifically targeted at young jobseekers aged 18-24 years of age who are long-term unemployed or who face barriers to employment. The YESS will aim to provide jobseekers with the opportunity to learn basic work and social skills in a supportive environment while on a work placement. The scheme will provide a supportive structure for Participants, including case officer support for both Placement Hosts and jobseekers.
While participation on the YESS will be wholly voluntary for both parties involved, there will be certain qualifying and eligibility conditions that both placement hosts and jobseekers will have to satisfy.
All YESS placements will be advertised on the Jobs Ireland website, and interested jobseekers will have to log onto same to view scheme vacancies.
For further information on YESS – Guidelines
Who is the YESS for?
The YESS will be available to jobseekers and other eligible cohorts who are
- aged between 18 and 24
- have been out of work and in receipt of a qualifying payment for at least 12 months,
- if unemployed for less than 12 months, be considered by a case officer to face a significant barrier to work.
Candidates must be in receipt of one of the following qualifying payments:
Jobseekers Allowance, Jobseekers Benefit, One Parent Family Payment, Jobseeker Transition Payment, Disability Allowance, Blind Person’s Pension or Supplementary Welfare Allowance.
How much will I be paid?
All participants will receive a payment of €229.20 per week from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). Participants whose underlying entitlement is in excess of that amount will continue to receive their weekly payment with an additional top-up allowance of €22.50 per week.
When will the YESS commence?
The YESS will commence on Monday 1st October 2018, and will be open to applications from that date.
The YESS will be open to organisations in the private, community and voluntary sectors only. There will be clear eligibility requirements for placement Hosts to participate on the scheme, and they must agree to Terms and Conditions when they advertise a placement.
All YESS placements must be advertised on the Department’s Jobs Ireland website, and employers must register on this site to do so.
Am I eligible to host a placement?
The eligibility criteria for an employer to host a YESS placement include the following:
- An organisation, or a local branch, must certify that they have a minimum of 1 full-time employee who is employed for 30 hours or more per week (i.e. on payroll and subject to PAYE and PRSI).
- The Placement Host should be a legal entity and/or a charity recognised by the Revenue Commissioners (with a CHY number).
- The scheme is open to sole traders who satisfy the conditions of the scheme.
- The placement host should be fully compliant with all legal requirements
- The placement host’s Public/Employers Liability insurance and Motor insurance, if applicable, should cover any participants on the programme.
- The placement host should be fully compliant with current workplace Health and Safety and all other legal and sectoral requirements
The placement must be in accordance with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission’s Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment at Work