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Just over 2000 new social houses built by local authorities last year

Just over 2,200 new social houses were built by local authorities last year, less than forecast by the Department of Housing.

But the Government has insisted that it has exceeded its target to provide homes to people on council waiting lists – last year, some 25,892 homes or tenancies were supported by the State, 23pc higher than the target.

The figures were revealed at a press conference in Government buildings this morning.

They show that in total, some 7,000 new, acquired or leased homes were bought into social housing stock, along with a number of ‘voids’ – or empty units – returned to use.

The Government also says that as of September 1 last, 3,700 new social housing homes are being built across 190 sites.

In all, €1.4bn was spent on housing last year, with the entire allocation for 2017 spent.

The Government’s Rebuilding Ireland programme calls for 25,000 new homes to be built every year to meet demand from the private and public side.

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